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Thursday, May 12, 2011


what happened to my hundred dollars
I snorted up my collars of chain reaction rotor bugs
rubbing out the fast series baseball programs we lit our tire fires with
bit by the albatross of pestilance makes me wence
sit back and glimpse at a full moon dawn
at the breakfast nook I see her smile form from the branches,leaves and rain stained pane glass windows that some one used to look out of
I drink my ginger and understand how things go
lonely in the light I stroll often looking to preach
when I am the one in desperate need of a sermon
you can stand before the world but if its hard to look in the mirror then who do you need to do it for
often we observe our actions as a relentless gesture to open palms or closed orophuses
obstacle turn into places to rest and moan
Ive been running speaking from nothing but the heart
but I can tell some question these gestures
i am only human in nature
I behave the way of a hippopautimus laying in wait
a wake is what ill attened when I finally escape this dream scape im in
awak again at 4 am trying to meditate...or slow down the world
its times like these im glad i live by the pen

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